Wednesday, May 9, 2012


Title says it all, this is a short post, at least as I start typing this that is how I intend it to be.

I'm angry.  I'm so angry and I don't know how to get passed it. (passed or past? why can't I ever remember which one applies?) Apparently it is a stage in the grieving do I get beyond this stage?  I am so angry it is almost putting me in to a depression.  I look in the mirror and hate who I have become.  I am still a good mother, friend, wife, daughter and sister.  Still a productive member of society...but, I don't sleep, I don't eat and I'm miserable inside.  I want to go in the woods and scream bloody murder and smash things.  Anger is a very moving emotion.  I wish it would move right on past me. (again with the past?? right or wrong usage?)