Thursday, February 26, 2015

You Just Never Know.

News can rock a small town.  Any sort of negative news hits and the frenzy of "OMG did you know him??" "Did you hear?" Etc.  It comes fast.  The second word is out.  Before it even hit the 6 o'clock news I had 17 texts messages from several people.  Were my kids around him? Did I know?  How could someone be so sick?  The list is endless. 

I considered this guy who is charged with things that I can't even begin to imagine anyone doing, a friend.  I played softball with him - multiple times.  He came to my Wooden Bat tournament I held in honor of my dad. He helped umpire, he volunteered his time.  He was kind.  I thought he had a good heart.  But, he's sick.  Literally sick.  Because anyone that can do what he is accused, and admits to doing, is sick.  There is something wrong.  He admits he needs help.  I don't think there is help out there.

He had daughters.  How can he conceivably do something so horrid to other little girls.  His family will suffer the wrath of of a small town.  All at the hands of a sick man that seemed on the outside to have such a kind heart.

This is a very swift kick in the stomach reminder that there is never a reason to trust another human with my babies.  Ever. 

All of this on the heels of knowing one of the Plum teachers accused of multiple sexual encounters with students.  Seriously - what is wrong with some people?  You are 40 years old and looking at/wanting a teenager.  There is no reason in the world for a man of that age to even want to be looking at, let alone sleeping with a GIRL that age.  All these stupid ridiculous pornography sites that advertise "barely legal" etc.  Men should be ashamed of themselves to be turned on by this.  It's disgusting.  I don't know what our world is coming to, but I really hope I can raise my three babies to be better men than that.

So much sadness and lost faith in humanity.  Rumors of this stuff happening and no one had the guts to stand up and say it?  So it could be stopped sooner.  It's sick.  It's Sad.  And it is the world we live in.

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